Useful Links


Telephone: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call)



Provides confidential, non-judgemental emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide. You can phone, email, write a letter or in most cases talk to someone face to face.

Atal y Fro

Telephone: 01446 744755 (Office hours) 24hr on-call: 0808 80 10 800



Atal Y Fro is dedicated to the elimination of domestic abuse. Practical and emotional support to women and their children (if any) who are suffering the effects of DA. Enabling women and their children to make informed decisions on the options open to them. Emergency temporary accommodation if necessary

Cruse Bereavement Care

Telephone: 0844 477 9400 or 029 20226166



Support for the bereaved with information and advice

Mind Infoline

Telephone: 0300 123 3393 (9am-6pm Monday to Friday)


Web site:

Mind provides confidential mental health information services.

With support and understanding, Mind enables people to make informed choices. The Infoline gives information on types of mental distress, where to get help, drug treatments, alternative therapies and advocacy. Mind has around 140 local Minds providing local mental health services.


Telephone: 0300 304 7000 (4:30pm-10:30pm)


Saneline is a national mental health helpline providing information and support to people with mental health problems and those who support them.

Amber Project (Church Army)

Telephone: 029 2034 4776 or 079 0590 5437



The Amber Project, which is based in Cardiff City Centre, works with young people aged 14-25 who have experience of self-harm.


Telephone: 0800 1111



ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor for free about anything - no problem is too big or too small. 

Meic Cymru

Telephone: 080880 23456

Text: 84001


Meic is the helpline service for children and young people up to the age of 25 in Wales. From finding out what’s going on in your local area to help dealing with a tricky situation, Meic will listen even when no-one else will.

Rethink Mental Illness Advice Line

Telephone: 0300 5000 927   (9.30am - 4pm Monday to Friday)



Provides expert advice and information to people with mental health problems and those who care for them, as well as giving help to health professionals, employers and staff.


Telephone: 0808 800 333


For independent support or disability information



This online disability forum is a vibrant and supportive space for disabled people, parents and carers to get disability advice and information, and talk to people with similar experiences.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

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